
La Bastide Peyrassol Rose

Country: FranceSuggested Food Pairing: Charcuterie

Standing above the village of Flassans-sur-Isole, in the heart of the hills of the Var, the Commanderie de Peyrassol was founded in the 13th century by the Knights Templar. This great expanse of fertile soil was a popular staging post and a place of rest for large numbers of pilgrims setting off for the Holy Land. As one of the jewels of Provence, the domaine has always maintained its agricultural and winegrowing traditions.

At Peyrassol, the wine store, built from ancestral stone, contains state-of-the-art equipment which allows vinification to be performed with a high degree of precision. While remaining true to tradition, the domaine has adapted to the major advances in winemaking, and our wine store handles the grapes with the same meticulous care as they receive on the vine. Philippe Austruy, the owner of several estates in France and elsewhere, including the Château Malescasse in the Haut-Médoc, the Quinta da Côrte in the Douro and the Case Nuove in Tuscany, acquired the Commanderie de Peyrassol in 2001, determined to restore its centuries-old reputation. Today that mission has been accomplished: the domaine, managed by his nephew Alban Cacaret, is one of the crown jewels of Provence. To oversee operations, he assembled the best experts and a competent team. La Basitde is a wine created to celebrate 20 years of this wonderful wine estate.

ABV: 12.5%

Country: France

Region: Provence


  • Cinsault
  • Grenache
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